Defense requests must be submitted through either of the two links below. Once received, the committee will undergo approval by the program coordination. It is the student’s responsibility to reserve a room for the defense:
Important Notes on Meeting Minutes:
1. Signatures must be digital, preferably from SOUGOV. Copy-pasted signatures will not be accepted.
2. Any unusual occurrences during the defense must be recorded in the minutes (e.g., early departure of a member, urgent replacement of a main member by a substitute, change of location, interruptions of any kind).
3. The minutes number will be sent by email after the respective committee is registered in SIGAA. If it is not received by the day before the defense, please contact the office at
Tel: +55 (84) 3317-8200
Av. Francisco Mota, 572
Bairro Costa e Silva
Mossoró RN | CEP: 59.625-90
Coordenação do Núcleo PPGFITO
(84) 3317-8302
Desenvolvimento: Fábrica da Palavra