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Crop Science Graduate Program UFERSA


This program is recommended by CAPES with a rating of 6

Genetic Breeding & Seed Technology & Postharvest

Nutrition, Irrigation, and Salinity

Plant Protection

Crop practices

About the Program

The Graduate Program in Crop Science at the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region (UFERSA), formerly known as the Superior School of Agriculture of Mossoró (ESAM), was officially launched at the master’s level in June 1988 (approved by the CNE, Ordinance No. 2.878 of 08/24/2005) and at the doctoral level on June 23, 2003 (approved by the CNE, Ordinance No. 1.919 of 06/03/2005). The program’s objectives are to train and improve professors for higher education, develop researchers for investigative and developmental activities, expand the expertise of field technicians, and help professionals adapt to the evolving labor market. It currently holds a CAPES rating of 6 and focuses on a single area of concentration: TROPICAL AGRICULTURE.

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Crop Science Graduate Program UFERSA

Contact us


+55 84 33178302


+55 84 33178200

Ave. Francisco Mota 572

Costa e Silva, Mossoró, RN



Tel: +55 (84) 3317-8200
Av. Francisco Mota, 572
Bairro Costa e Silva
Mossoró RN | CEP: 59.625-90

Coordenação do Núcleo PPGFITO
(84) 3317-8302

Desenvolvimento: Fábrica da Palavra

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